Having just seen in the New Year, I thought I might share some thoughts on 2010, which some might be glad to see the back of, but I can't quite bring myself to do that. The middle of the year, a fabulous summer, was wonderful. The rest of the year wasn't so good, but let me try and find the positive in all that we dealt with.
This year when we made our toasts at Christmas and again at New Year, it seemed more meaningful and I thought it best to leave out the 'wealth' bit, it's rather pointless really. I've always thought Mam and Dad to be lucky that they haven't had 'sickly' kids, and that Barry and I have breezed through life with only measles and chicken pox to deal with. 2010 had other ideas, and New Year's Eve 2009 brought me a letter to say I needed a biopsy following a checkup. To cut a painful story short, I had a near miss, and thanks to amazing staff at the QE, Gateshead, after two biopsies and intensive treatment, I was given the all-clear. It knocked me for six knowing I was so close to cancer, and Stevie, my family and incredible friends kept me sane throughout. I'm not counting my chickens just yet, as it's less than a year, but I consider myself one of the lucky ones, and my candle at the Relay this year said just that.

That brings me nicely to our Relay For Life, the Cancer Research event that has become a big part of my life over the last 5 years. This year was bigger than any other,more of my family came along, and our team put on the Mini Challenge, which was great fun, with more than 20 people squashing inside Stevie's car! Another highlight was Robyn singing Hero on stage, bringing about tears for most of us. 20 hours of tears and laughter helped us to raise more than £50,000 and this time my Relay Diary went around the world thanks to Relay friends in America. Relay For Life has always meant something to me, because I do it in memory of my Auntie Pauline, but never did I imagine it would mean as much as it does now.
In August, Devon, Robyn, Stevie and I went to visit Barry, Anna and the boys in Minnesota. A return trip to Madeline Island (see earlier post) was utterly amazing, and Stevie and the girls finally understood why I love this place so much. An action-packed holiday with fantastic weather in a stunning location, spending time with those I love was undoubtedly the best 11 days of the year. My only wish was that James should be there, and I hope he gets the chance to visit them soon.

Less than 36 hours after our return from the States, our world was turned upside down, with news that Barry had taken ill. My healthy super-active brother became so poorly within two days, we could barely take it in. Within four days of diagnosing a brain tumour, he had surgery, successfully removing it entirely, though the biopsy showed that it was particularly aggressive and he would need radiotherapy and chemo. My world fell apart. My little brother who has guided me so well over the last few years, was now seriously ill, many many miles away in America. Ironically, that distance means that he has the best care in the world, as the medics in Minnesota are amongst the best in the world. Barry writes an incredible blog (link at side of this page) which is a must read and tells of his experiences since his illness took hold in September. His positive attitude is a complete inspiration, as is the amazing way that Anna, my wonderful sister-in-law, has coped with everything. Her strength is immeasurable, and they have both made sure that things remain as normal as possible for Patrick and Richard.
James, Devon and Robyn gave me many reasons to smile throughout the year - James finished college and got himself a job at Nissan and became Men's Doubles Champion at Boldon Golf Club, Devon exceeded at school with her exam results and stunned us all when she stood for election as Head Girl, and Robyn entertained us throughout the year with her singing, dancing and ultimately acting as she played Alice, in Wonderland, obviously, in the school production.
After a lovely Christmas, seeing lots of our far-flung family, I got a phone call just before New Year, from Barry with encouraging news from his latest MRI, which meant that the surgery we'd steeled ourselves for, wasn't immediately needed. A huge relief, as this means Barry can continue with current treatment, without the added complications of further operations. I cannot tell you how much that means to be going into a new year with such a positive feeling, and having hope that 2011 would turn things around for our family.
And that is how I want to finish my post, on a positive note,reflecting on a difficult year, one which shook our family to the core, then with the help of amazing friends, knitted a huge warm blanket to wrap around Barry and Anna, Patrick and Richard.
Wishing all who may read this a happy and healthy New Year
with lots of love
Michelle xx